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My Family Left for Europe

This morning, my parents and younger brother and sister left for their new adventure in Vienna, Austria!

We all stayed overnight as a family for one last hoorah.

We watched jeopardy, played Dutch Blitz, Poker, and Super Smash Bros (the Franks are a very gamer oriented bunch.)

Then Ashley, Alex, Jake, and I camped out on a bunch of air mattresses for what felt like only an hour until the alarm for 6am went off.

Props to Mawmaw who had croissant sandwiches and coffee ready to go for everyone so early in the morning!

After eating and relaxing in the early morning, it was time for the Franks to cram all 11 pieces of luggage into their minivan.

We all hugged, cried, and said our goodbyes before the family stuffed themselves in the car.

Of course we are sad to be broken apart for quite sometime, but I think the tears were also happy.

We are all so proud of each other and the paths we are all going on. It's truly joyous to see all of us happy.

I will say though, that our teary goodbyes made for a funny picture. Bubba is definitely crying in this photo and Lauren looks a like the frowning emoji.

Not pictured: Mawmaw behind the camera also crying.


A few years ago, after a couple youth mission trips and many meaningful connections, my parents felt called to serve over in Europe. The idea was to bring their passion for youth ministry to a country that was lacking in those types of programs.

It took a couple different tries to find the right organization for them to partner with. It also took a few years to build up support and funds to make their dream come true.

Now, the day has finally come and they are ready to get started on building new relationships with youth in Austria.

If you would like more information about their mission work or you want to stay connected with what they are doing, check out their website:

Here is the website for their mission organization:

Of course I'll miss my whole family, but I do have to admit that I will miss my little sister the most.

Because I'm almost 10 years older than Lauren, most of our life together felt disconnected. When she was a toddler, I was going into the dramatic middle school years. When I was in college, she was still in elementary school.

Although I will always be older, I feel that as time goes by we become better and better friends.

As Lauren grows and learns more about herself, the more we have to bond over and talk about. I've always wanted a sister for that very reason.

We'll always be best friends, no matter where in the world we are.


I'll miss Lauren and Ryan like crazy, but I know that they will make so many new friends and find so many adventures in Austria.

It will be so cool to see how my family will learn from and adapt to a new country. I'm especially excited to see the connections they make with the people around them.

As I'm writing this, the Franks are most likely getting to their destination.

Please send your thoughts and prayers their way for a smooth transition. Europe is amazing, but the instability of a new environment is tough no matter what.

Even if a family is physically and emotionally ready for a big change, they still need a support system to help ease that initial shock.

Hopefully, social media can help me be there for my family the best I can while we are apart.

☺ Love you, Franks!



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