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Morning Walks // S A T U R D A Y

After years of living the night owl life, my new job has transformed me into an early bird. I wasn't a big fan of the early mornings at first, but I'm learning how to love my new routine.

On a regular day, I get ready for work and bolt out the door by 7:30. I always have at least two cups of coffee and a half an hour of NPR to learn about the day before I tackle it.

The monotonous schedule every week has officially shifted my internal clock. Even on the weekends I wake up around 6:30...

So, I decided to take a walk through the city this morning while Jake was working. It turned out to be very relaxing and peaceful.

The best views came from the parking garage on my street.

When I reached the top, I saw another guy up there either talking or singing to himself. He looked like a student and when he saw me, he seemed embarrassed and walked away.

It was nice to see someone else enjoying the beautiful morning.

I might spend more of my mornings up there.

Taking a small chunk of time to clear your head and appreciate your space is wonderfully freeing. I would encourage anyone to do it. A lot of people journal, draw, read a book, or take a walk. But I know a lot of people who think they never have time for themselves. I'm a firm believer of two things: that there is always time and your mind is the most important.

Self care can sometimes seem selfish, but I think quiet times of reflection can actually make us better people.

I can't wait for another walk around the city!

Never stop exploring,



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