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Taste the World - Fall Brunch

Updated: Jan 6, 2020

Jake and I love these little café tours around the city. This time, my brother Alex and his girlfriend Ashley accompanied us on a morning brunch adventure.

Taste the World is so cool. Different cafés and restaurants around Lancaster team up to provide a little taste of their cuisine. Usually there are six or seven restaurants to eat at with a little stroopie dessert at The Lancaster Sweet Shoppe to conclude the tour. Each tour has a different theme.

Here are some of the stops from this morning's brunch:

Baked Brioche - slices of fresh brioche with a brandy syrup, almond cream, and apricot glaze. Some bold roast coffee was served with this bread.

The atmosphere was so quaint and warm with fresh bread aromas wafting all throughout. We will definitely visit this one again!

Breakfast Casserole - eggs, sausage, and cheese with a side of apple cider.

I'm a breakfast lover, so naturally this was one of my favorite stops. But more importantly, this place was so interesting. The café theme was inspired by early twentieth century writers called "the Inklings." It is a café/bookstore that hosts open mics, board game nights, and Saturday morning cartoons.

Pumpkin Cinnamon Scone and more Coffee!

I've talked about Cafe One Eight before (see my avocado toast blog post.) Their food is so delicious and their atmosphere is so open and friendly.

Hot Chocolate and a warm Stroopie.

This place is one of my favorites in Lancaster. The shop is specializes in chocolates, ice cream, and stroopies (waffle cookies with homemade caramel between.)

The Lancaster Sweet Shoppe smells amazing and the service is top notch. Customers can literally see the workers making stoopies right in front of them. You can also eat inside the shoppe or out in their adorable patio.

There were a few more stops along the way, but these were our highlights.

I encourage anyone in Lancaster to do a Taste the World. You won't be disappointed or left hungry!

Thanks for reading!



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